Sunday, July 1, 2012

Another Crossroad...

So, I'm at another crossroad...It is July and still no offer for teaching in the fall. 

There have been 4 recent turn of events that have not necessarily de-railed my retirement plans on Lana'i but have definitely caused me to rethink my retirement plans.

1)  I'm beginning to think that I'm not as valuable to the education system as I thought I would be with 20+ years experience as a chemist.  I seem to get the call backs (indicating my resume looks good) but schools can't or won't hire me for some reason.  It may all boil down to there is just no money in the system to hire me but it still feels bad nonetheless.  The one thing that makes me have to continue teaching is that I need to clear my credential in this next year.  Then I will have a teaching credential with no strings attached and can finally be called a credentialed teacher!

2)  A meeting with the current Lana'i High and Elementary School principal made me realize that there are not many openings for science teachers.  There are currently 2 science teachers and they don't look like they will be leaving soon.  I need to think about what will happen if I can't teach chemistry at the high school.  I need to come up with a Plan B.  That may include substitute teaching, teaching on Mauai or do something other than teach.  Let's face it, chemistry is my passion and if I can't TEACH chemistry I need to find away to DO chemistry.  Maybe there is a way to do some sort of research that doesn't require me to be at a company facility but on my own computer??

3)  Larry Ellison has recently purchased Lana'i.  Who knows what the Oracle CEO has in mind for the island?  The locals are both hopeful and worried.  We not only have our future home here but all of my and my husband's retirement plans include living on Lana'i.  I'm hoping that Ellison's plans include a LITTLE growth that will cause a need in hiring more science teachers in a few years but not change the small town feel of the island! Or perhaps, there may be a need to have 2 chemists on the island to carry out one of Ellison's projects.  It is a big question mark in my retirement planning.

4)  A representative from a temporary agency called me to see if I would be interested in temporary synthetic chemistry work.  My heart aches to take that position.  I miss doing chemistry.  I miss having some time to think and dream science.  But I also know my personality, it is always greener on the other side of the mountain....  But as I thought about it a little more, how wonderful a temporary position would be!  I could find out how bad I really do miss research and not be obligated to a company or myself in staying in a job if I find out that teaching isn't all that bad and I really do have that calling....