Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Light at the End of the Tunnel

So, there is one more week left in my very first semester of meeting my pre-requisite requirements for acceptance into CSUSM's teaching credential program. As I was telling my husband the other day, I'm very happy. I'm not sure if it is because of the prospect of becoming a teacher or more because I'm not having to go into Pfizer to continue in the masochistic chemistry research. There it seems it was never enough. Will teaching be the same? I don't know and won't know until I teach. But to not have to go to work when it's really not all that financially imperative to survival is just pure heaven. That I am going to classes gives me purpose to my day and the subject matter is pleasantly interesting. So slowly everything is getting checked off my list: CSETs, CBEST, CSUSM College of Education application, College of Education Interview. Now just a few more assignments to turn in and my classes will be done. How tolerable is the process? Have I learned enough about my subjects? Have I survived un-jaded? Don't really know yet but I can't wait for summer vacation! I can't remember the last time I had no responsibilities...well not very many responsibilities. YES!

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