Saturday, June 26, 2010

Re-learning the U.S. Constitution

One of the things I've learned as I've gotten older in life is that I have a deeper appreciation for history: U.S. history, Hawaiian history, my ancestory, pharmaceutical history, and more.  In high school, I never found learning about history interesting or intriguing or very easy for that matter.  If there wasn't a mathematical function associated with the subject, I couldn't relate. 

Now as part of the Teaching Credential requirements, I found myself studying for my U.S. Constitution test.  I know that I had to learn this in my distant past but I realized how very little was retained.  I found the Constitution to be pretty much 99.9% new information.  I also found the material to be interesting and relevant.  I found myself reverant and touched by the brilliance and foresight of the writers.  What an amazing document that has enabled me to live in a nice house, vacation with my children, learn a profession that has given me many years of creativity and innovation and made it so that I was protected when I was laid-off!  I realize that as a 16-year-old, with such little life experience, there really isn't a way to understand and appreciate what an incredible document the Consitution truly is.

I am so fascinated that I can even entertain becoming more politcally involved in my community...okay, I'll make a go of teaching first but it is an interesting prospect.  I can see that as a teacher with over 20 years industry experience, I believe that I will have a pretty good idea about educating future scientists and maybe, just maybe, a politician would be interested in what I'd have to say....

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